Educational institution “The Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives”



Faculty Economics and Management
Speciality Code (according the Classificatory of the Republic of Belarus) 1-28 01 01
Speciality Economics of E-Business
Speciality Major
Qualification Economist-Programmer
Specialization (if any)
Period  of study 4 years (day-time)
Language of study Russian
Benefits of study
  • The increasing informatization of the society
  • Increasing number of people engaged in information technology
  • Creating a global information space
  • IT technologies increase the efficiency and competitiveness of any business
  • Development of the information economy and e-government
  • Use of new technologies by competitors, consumers, and partners
Applicants’ requirements Full secondary education

Knowledge of the Russian language (applicant is interviewed for knowledge of the Russian language).

Basic Subjects
Subjects EСTS Hours
Office Automation 7 268
Information System in Economics 5 196
Computer Information Technology 6 216
Computer System of Decision Support 2 76
Computer Networks 3 102
Mathematics 19,5 720
Mathematical Methods of Economic Studies 7,5 442
Basics of Discrete Mathematics 3,5 136
Operation System 2,5 102
Basics of Algorithmization and Programming 7,5 288
Basics of Object Oriented Programming 4 150
Basics of Information Security 2,5 94
Information System Design 7 268
Programming of Networked Applications 4 160
1С Programming 6,5 240
Distributed Information Processing System 8 288
Database System 6 208
E-Business 8 294
Professional and universal competencies that a graduate will possess In the process of training, the following professional competencies will be formed:

·      To plan and organize economical activity of organisations (enterprises) of production and non-production sectors of various forms of ownership;

·      To draw up budgets, plans of an enterprise and its divisions;

·      To evaluate results of economical activity of organisations (enterprises);

·      To work out  development strategies of organisations (enterprises);

·      To evaluate effectiveness of e-business solutions;

·      To analyze enterprise architecture;

·      To research and analyze market of electronic products and services, information systems and information and communication technologies;

·      To analyze electronic product requirements;

·      To conduct a survey and analysis of business processes of industrial and economical activities;

·      To establish and maintain databases;

·      To conduct economic research using applied computer programmes;

·      To conduct an audit of business processes and information technology infrastructure of enterprises;

·      To conduct an audit of processes of creation and development of electronic enterprises and their components;

·      To consult on the rational choice of information systems and information and communication technologies of business management;

·      To consult on organization of enterprise IT infrastructure management;

·      To conduct pre-project inspection, identify customer information needs and formulate requirements for an automated information system in the field of electronic business;

·      To analyze the needs of an organisation in automating implementation of business processes for production of products, outputs (works, services);

·      To design models of business processes and systems;

·      To develop business plans for creation of new electronic products and businesses based on ICT innovations;

·      To create new electronic services based on ICT innovations;

·      To use global information resources.

Scope of knowledge and professional activities
  • Electronic banks
  • Electronic franchising
  • Computer programming
  • Information services and maintenance
  • Large online and offline companies
  • Development of information technologies, products and services
  • Electronic management of operational resources
  • Electronic auctions and brokerage services
Possible job, position
  • Programmer
  • Business analyst
  • System analyst
  • System architect
  • Virtual product marketer
  • Economist of electronic business systems
  • Software tester
  • Information systems Manager